Friday, February 8, 2008

Dreaming after 9/11

In this article the author is arguing that the attacks of 9/11 have changed the way people dream. They use a logical appeal, using facts and reliable sources to show the changes in people dreams, they showed studies of peoples dreams and how there were more intense images after the attacks. This argument can get people thinking about how their dreams change after they undergo trauma and distress. I found this article to be very unbelievable and I do not think the writer gave enough information to back up their argument. I find it hard to believe that you can track dreaming especially when disasters are unexpected. I definitely believe that people experienced change after 9/11 but whether peoples dreams changed or not, I am not too sure.;_ylt=Av4m01JzkmyI1vH4yGQXd9jq188F

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